The other evening, while I was playing a very hard round of singles tennis against Dong, my favorite trainer, I decided to, umm, invite God into my game.
I was serving for the set, and was ahead 5 games to 4, and the game score was 40-30. One more point and I’d win the set. As I was positioning myself on the service line, I whispered a short prayer, saying, “Please Lord, help me ace this serve.”
Now I must let you know that the ad side is my favorite service side, and I often deliver a good service ace on this side. And Dong knows that.
I stepped up to serve, bounced the ball a few times, and then tossed the ball up, and swung to serve. The ball sped to where I wanted it to, but Dong anticipated it and easily returned my serve. I ran to retrieve his return and drove the ball across and far away from him. He scrambled and skillfully parried my topspin, placing the ball right where I was waiting for it. I drew my racket back, so confident that I would hit a winner yet I lost eye contact with the ball, didn’t hit it squarely, and the ball struck the net cord. I groaned thinking that I lost the point. But, lo and behold, when the ball struck the net cord, it had enough momentum to plop over on to Dong’s court, and I won the point, game, and set!
Or maybe I should say, God won it for me. Not in the way I had prayed, but in the way that only He could do. God declares in Isa 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” Totoo nga naman, ano? I prayed for an ace, which I had executed masterfully often, but instead, God demonstrated that I would be victorious (despite my blunder) not by my might, nor by my power, but by His spirit.
Why do I share this? And what does it have to do with a “day of prayer”? What comes to my mind is Proverbs 16:9 which says,
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” (NIV)
Many of my friends take time at the start of the year to spend a day in prayer, and to dedicate the coming year to the Lord. They experience great joy in sitting before the Lord and discerning His will for them especially at this time of the year. It’s as good a time as any, and it helps them psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually “turn a page”, “go back into the deep” and cast their nets once again.
If you’re one of those who are poised to do this, or if you’d like to give it a try, I pray that God manifest His holy will clearly to you.
I don’t know exactly what life situation or key decisions you are facing this 2020. Maybe you need to make a career or a business decision, a program for your ministry, or deal once and for all with relational or family issues. Or maybe you desire to develop certain disciplines to change your character, improve your health, or hone your skills. Or maybe you are anxious and waiting for favorable outcomes on something that you’ve been dealing with since last year (or maybe even farther back than that). And, naturally, as you spend a day of prayer with the Lord, these matters will be on your prayer agenda.
What Prov 16:9 teaches us is that no matter how well intended we are, and how well prepared we are to deal with our life situations, we ought to include the Lord in our decisions and our plans — not just to seek His help so you can fulfill YOUR plans — but because He is the Lord of your life, and you seek to do His will.
During your day of prayer, you need to be prepared to hear God tell you something that He’s been telling you, and not just you, but all of mankind. That is His “universal will”. At first it may not seem like it has anything to do with your specific issue or concern, but if you’ve been remiss in fulfilling what God asks of everyone, how do you suppose He will respond to your request for a specific direction tailor-made for you and your situation?
If, at the end of the day, that is all you will hear from God, hang on to it, and take it seriously. Consider yourself blessed already, knowing that God has been patient with you, and is ready to give you another chance to do His will.
It is also possible that God will speak to you something that will seem like it strikes at the root of your specific concern. Reflect on that message, and test it against what you know of God, and what you know about yourself. Hopefully you have a godly friend who knows your situation and knows your desire to seek God’s will, and if so, be sure to share this specific message with him/her, and ask for a confirmation and godly advice.
Once you’ve concluded that you have heard from the Lord, determine to take the necessary steps to follow what the Lord says. Draw upon whatever resources and competences you have on hand, and even if your resources are limited, trust that God will fulfill His wonderful purposes.
Notice I said “His purpose”, and not “your purpose”. Again, that’s what Prov 16:9 says. We can make all sorts of plans, but it is God who will enable things to fall into place. After all, nothing in this world occurs without it being ultimately aligned with God’s sovereign purpose.
After having prayed about it, and as you dedicate everything that you do to pursue your goals to the Lord, what should you expect? Well, several outcomes are possible: God may allow you to see the fruit of your labor producing exactly what you had intended and desired (like the friends who lowered the paralytic to be healed by Jesus). Or He may use other means to produce the same result (my tennis experience). But then again, you may not see the results that you hoped for, whether at the time you expect it, or maybe not ever at all — just like John the Baptist. Or you may be taken by surprise and either encounter a deadly storm and get thrown overboard to be swallowed by a whale, or you would see the waters of the Red Sea part before your very eyes.
But no matter what the outcome (intermediate or final), you need to trust that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose”. (Rom 8:28) In all things. And by trusting God in all things, no matter the outcome, you will experience the fullness of joy that He promises.
As you abide in Jesus along your journey through 2020, may the Good Shepherd smile on you and lead you to calm waters and green pastures. The Lord be with you, my friend. Mahal ka ng Diyos.
Here’s a follow on post to help you with the specifics on HOW TO SPEND A FULL DAY IN PRAYER.
Beautiful reflection, Eddie. You just gave me an inspiring morning prayer!
Thank you Eddie.
Yes this the reality…happened to me and my wife so many times.
This is a very good reflection to start 2020….in fact ALL NEW YEARS…
Keep sharing your God-given WISDOM!
God’s continuous blessings for you and your family
Amen. Amen. Amen.
This is also my story. Truly God surprises us in the way He answers our prayers.
Thanks for this beautiful reflection, Tito Eddie.
Amen! Thank you Tito Eddie for always inspiring us. Your offer to know more about God through 365 days Bible reading has set my heart on fire. It made me read in 20/20 vision. 😊 And how I honor you for being patient sending me the guide on a daily basis. Thank you! God bless you more! We are grateful to the Lord for allowing our paths crossed. You truly are a blessing! 😊
Thanks, Kuya Eddie for the insights and putting the way God can move quite succinctly. God bless.
Thanks a lot kuya Eddie for sharing this insightful wisdom. Very timely and helpful. May the Lord continue to use you powerfully to inspire others.
God’s words indeed. May we always trust God in everything… not some but everything. Salamat po Tito Eddie.
Thanks Ed, I agree with your reflection that as we seek to do His mission or will for us to work on, it will happen at His time and sometimes not exactly how we want it to be but like the title of the old TV series says ” Father Knows Best”. You know the mission I’ve been doing since 2008 and I may not see the fruits of my labor and maybe my role is just to cultivate the land and start planting some seeds. Someone else is assigned to water and help it grow and others will prune and harvest but it will still be His ” Universal Will” that will be done… My consolation is when I read scripture verses like today where He says ” In this way, the children of God and the children of of the devil are made plain; no one who fails to act in righteousness belongs to God nor anyone who does not love his brother” for it reassures me that I am fighting on right side but I do admit, I experience frustration when those who I expected to help are unwilling to do so and it makes me wonder if I heard the Lord right. My analogy to this situation is- there is a gang of bullies in my neighborhood who is creating trouble and I want to go out and confront them but my family and friends are not going to back me up. It’s also like playing tennis doubles and your partner does play as hard to win but ultimately it is like the parable of the talents and we will all be judge by how we have used what was given to us in the service of our Lord and King.
Great article, Tito Eds! We needed to be reminded that He is always present. We just have to acknowledge Him, His power and His Grace in our lives. A good material for our day of prayer! 👍🏻😇🙏🏻
I loved this line:
“we ought to include the Lord in our decisions and our plans — not just to seek His help so you can fulfill YOUR plans — but because He is the Lord of your life, and you seek to do His will”
When our will is aligned with His will, amazing happens!
Thanks Kuya Eddie for your article on Day of Prayer. We used it as a guide for our family day of prayer today. Happy new year & God bless you, Ate Daisy, & the rest of the Mendoza family with His love, joy, & peace. To God be the glory!
Dickie Buhain
You sent this at the exact time i was thinking about how this is the season of “ Day of Prayer” and what we make out if it.
I had the same thought… “its as good a time as any.
I was particularly drawn to
…. for “What Prov 16:9 teaches us is that no matter how well intended we are, and how well prepared we are to deal with our life situations, we ought to include the Lord in our decisions and our plans — not just to seek His help so you
can fulfill YOUR plans — but because He is the Lord of your life, and you seek to do His will.”
And also the thought in seeking God’s “universal will” for all.
Keep writing! Thank you for your inspiration!
Seeking God’s universal will for man
Hi Tito Eddie. How are you doing?
I could almost hear your voice as I was reading it. It’s so you! For a non-tennis player, I was lost in the beginning of the analogy but did find my way at some point. The article is on the long side but it does drive home the point. It explains the benefits/ importance of a Day of Prayer. Very good points.
One of the feedback I often get with people I invite to do one with me is “HoW?” Since you’re already on the topic, maybe you can follow it up with some steps on how to go about one. It’s so easy, really but people get lost in the process. 🙂
Am very glad to see you are writing and reaching out powerfully from where you are. Let your light shine!
Amen to your reflection Eddie! I also am a witness to how God works in our lives in ways we don’t expect. It’s always good to be listening to His word through prayer. Thanks for this and will definitely share it.
God bless.
Thanks EAM. Proverbs 16:9 is such a great game plan this 2020. Blessings.