I’ve had the opportunity in my many years at work to write, review, and sign contracts, MOAs, MOUs, etc., from simple contracts for training, to very complex billion peso mergers and acquisitions. While my attention is usually focused on the meat of the contracts that begin with the “NOW, THEREFORE” section, I’ve come to realize over time that the “WHEREAS” section (what lawyers call the “recitals”) is actually such a significant part of the contract.
It describes exactly who the parties are, what their intentions are for entering into the agreement, and what they are capable of bringing to the table. I think it sets the tone and the predisposition of both parties, and explains the spirit behind the agreement.
Ligaya is a covenant community. Members bind each other to a covenant that is permanent, mutual, and purposeful. And we believe that it is God who initiated the covenant with us as a community, and that every member’s primary covenant is between God and the member, and not just between member to member.
We have a simple “covenant card” that spells out our various commitments. I believe that if anyone should accept a covenant offered by God, it behooves the person to appreciate the spirit behind the contract in this way, and not just look at the specific commitments.
But the way it is written, there is no “whereas” section in our covenant. And so, may I propose what the whereas recitals ought to be that should precede a covenant with God:
Whereas He is GOD, and we are man.
Whereas He is the king and creator and owner of the entire universe, and we are dust and from dust we shall return.
Whereas We need Him, but He doesn’t need us.
Whereas He is love, He is mercy, and He is good; and we are rebels, slaves to sin, and in need of redemption from Satan.
NOW THEREFORE, God binds himself to a covenant with us for all eternity.
Indeed we have an amazing God!! I believe that if we look at our covenant with God in this manner, we begin to appreciate what Proverbs 9:10 says, “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom.” And hopefully, the immediate thought that should come to us is this: “Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinner!” is what Peter told Jesus after hauling in the miraculous boatload of fish. (Luke 5:8). Truly, none of us qualifies to enter into a covenant with God.
Yet God takes the initiative and offers us the gift of an eternal covenant. Why does He do this?
First of all, that God would choose to enter into a covenant with us says more about God than about us. And the answer is simple: “God IS good!!!” Romans 5:6-8 spells it out in no uncertain terms.
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
You see, God sees what is in our hearts. He sees what we all need. And He offers Himself, through Jesus, knowing that only through Christ do you and I gain fullness of life. Only through following Jesus do we find our true and everlasting calling. Only through following Jesus, do we gain a deeper understanding of our calling, because God sees something better for you … some mountain to cross, some water to walk on, some cross to bear, some seed to plant, some lost sheep to bring to the Lord.
As I reflect on God’s covenant with me through Ligaya, I walk humbly with Him, knowing that I’m not qualified to enter into this covenant with Him. Actually, I believe no one is. Not you. Not me. Not our senior leaders in Ligaya. Not the great men and women who started Ligaya 40-some years ago. Neither Pope Francis, nor even the apostles Peter and Paul. No one is qualified to sign a covenant with God.
But that’s what makes God amazing. And that’s what makes this covenant an amazing and generous offer to those of us who have accepted it and those of us who are preparing for it. You’ll never find anything like it, from anyone like God. Because there is no god like Him.
Don’t forget the great women.
You have written it well and I fully acknowledge my an unworthiness. I have learned
to be ready at all times, to stand firm, stay stead fast, pray always, love and share
the gifts (time, resources and gifts of the Holy Spirit) that God has continually giving
me to those our Lord, God and Jesus loves most the poor people, the People with Disabilities
and to anyone whom the Lord whispers to me to share his of mercy and love.😇
Thank you, Ramky. You might want to read the book, “Unqualified” by Steven Furtick. I know it’s available in Fully Booked. Nice. 🙂
“Whereas, He is faithful and no specific word He requires for us to encounter Him.”
I am grateful to the Lord that He has led me to people whom I can be with in my faith journey. I am grateful to the Lord for the grace He’s giving me to crave more of Him everyday, always hungry for more. Grateful for the grace to be intentional in knowing Him more and more each day. Most of all, I am grateful for the grace He’s giving me to live out my faith.
I was in awe and emotional as I watched the FoC today. We are still underway members of Ligaya, but His presence in our lives is so real! We praise and thank you Lord!
“Now, therefore, in consideration of the stipulated covenants, it is hereby acknowledged that even with a simple “Lord, what do you want to tell me today?”, with a humble heart, the Lord will reveal Himself to us. ☺️
We have a God who is sovereign over all and whose love for us is unconditional. Praise & thank
You Lord!